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    发布时间:2016/09/08 16:13:24来源: 浏览次数:






    霍普金斯大学健康与社会政策学院教授,公民社会研究中心主任(Center for Civil Society Studies)主任。研究领域包括公共行政、经济学、非营利组织和公民社会。莱斯特.萨拉蒙1964年毕业于普林斯顿大学,获得经济学专业公共政策方向学士学位,1971年获得哈佛大学政府管理专业博士学位。1977年到1979年在美国联邦政府管理与预算办公室(Office of Management and Budget,OMB)工作,1980-1986年任华盛顿的城市研究院(Urban Institute)的治理与管理研究中心主任,1980年代末任约翰.霍普金斯大学政策研究所主任,1998-2006年担任切萨皮克社区基金会董事会主席。


    Lester is a leading scholar in fields of public management, civil society and philanthropy. This is the first time he visits Wuhan, it is the third he visit China since late 1990s. Every time he brings new ideas, new concepts which are helpful to China’s infant civil society, he also has witnessed the growth of China’s nonprofit sector. He is a great academic organizer, has built and led international research teams accomplished the international NPO comparative research projects, produced hundreds of articles and dozens of books, many of them have Chinese version. He is the author who is the most familiar to Chinese readers in the field of NPOs. He was my tutor when I was visiting his Center for Civil Society Studies of Johns Hopkins University. This visiting changed my career. Thanks! I am extremely honored to have Professor Lester Salamon with us tonight. This lecture will be recorded and Wang Qun, a scholar of Indiana University will do transcript of the record and share it online, so it does not matter if you can’t grasp the every words of the lecture today, you have chance to read it later. Now let us enjoy his brilliant mind and thoughts.

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